Sunday, July 15, 2012


It's been seven years, but the images of Katrina and its endless swath of damage still haunt my memory. I'm almost finished reading Joshua Clark's Heart Like Water -- and there will definitely be an article on this raw and moving memoir -- but it brings to mind a short piece I wrote about the first Mardi Gras after the disaster.
Heart Like Water

            Rex floats along familiar passageways, past curious faces, in a city that begs to be reborn. Once bold and bawdy, this self-conscious parade looks out into the adoring crowd and turns away. We ask, who are these tiresome crashers, always spilling beer and crying out for beads?
            It wasn’t always like this. We used to make room for the strangers. And we sure showed them a good time. But then we disappeared. In the night, carrying nothing more than our parts and pieces, we fled into darkness. Now banished from the open shelter of the nation’s biggest party, we are traveling on.
            Here, it’s your turn. Dry your cheeks and throw down that tissue. Make merry, fearsome reveler! Slip on a party mask, and raise your go-cup. 

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